As part of the activities of the FUSION project, we have launched a survey on student and alumni engagement in sports.



If you are a university student or a graduate, we would like to ask you to take a few moments and complete our survey on sports participation during and after university.


The survey is part of the project’s data-gathering efforts, aiming to better understand the motivations and obstacles students and alumni face in maintaining their sports engagement beyond university.


The survey has been translated into the languages of the project's partner countries.

The links for accessing the survey in each language are provided below:








The survey will be available until April 30th.


The survey is one of the key components of the project, alongside:

  • Networking events connecting students, graduates, universities, and sports clubs

  • Production of resources such as a podcast featuring insights from students and sports professionals

  • Development of strategies to encourage long-term sports participation beyond university

By raising awareness about the importance of sustaining sports engagement, FUSION aims to support students in maintaining an active lifestyle beyond their academic years. The values promoted by the project will be endorsed by all project partners.


The project has EUSA Institute as a coordinator and the Latvian University Sports Federation (LUSF), Lithuanian Students' Sports Association (LSSA), University of Hamburg (UHAM), and Toulouse University Club (TUC), as partners.


FUSION project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.